What is the purpose of require.resolve() in Node.js?

Last updated on 23 Feb, 2023

require.resolve() is a built-in method in Node.js that is used to resolve the module identifier to an absolute file path. It returns the path of the module if it exists, otherwise, it throws an error.

The purpose of require.resolve is to provide a way to check whether a module exists and to obtain the absolute path of that module. This is useful in situations where you need to programmatically determine the path of a module, such as when you want to load a plugin dynamically, or when you want to access the package.json file of a module.

require.resolve takes a single argument, which is the module identifier. This can be either a relative or an absolute path, or a module name that is installed in the Node.js node_modules directory.

Here's an example of how to use require.resolve to obtain the path of a module:

const path = require("path");

const modulePath = require.resolve("lodash");
console.log(modulePath); // Output: /path/to/project/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js

const relativePath = "./lib/myModule";
const resolvedPath = require.resolve(relativePath);
console.log(resolvedPath); // Output: /path/to/project/lib/myModule.js

In the example above, we used require.resolve to obtain the path of the lodash module installed in the node_modules directory, and the path of a module located in the project's lib directory.

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Joby Joseph
Web Architect