useRef() React Hook

Last updated on 19 Apr, 2022

useRef() hook helps us to access DOM nodes directly. In React, data-flow is unidirectional. If a child component in React, needs to update something in parent component, the parent needs to pass a reference to child. Child then uses the reference for updating the parent.

Accessing Parent DOM Node

Here we have two components, Parent and Child. The Parent component contains a h1 block.

export default function Parent() {
  return (
      <h1>Parent Title</h1>
      <Child />

The Child component just contains a button.

function Child() {
  return <button>Click Me</button>;

Our goal is to change the heading color to red, when we click on the button. For that, our Parent component needs to pass header connection to the Child. We are going to create that connection using useRef().

In order to use useRef(), first we need to import it from react package.

import { useRef } from "react";

Next we need to create a ref object.

const headerRef = useRef(null);

But right now, the created headerRef object is not connected to any DOM nodes. We are going to connect it to our h1 tag using ref attribute.

<h1 ref={headerRef}>Parent Title</h1>

So now, headerRef is our key to do anything on our header. Lets pass this key to our child component.

<Child headerRef={headerRef} />

In the child component, we take the value of our ref object. The current value of a ref object can be taken from .current property of ref.

Here is the complete code of child component that changes the header color to red on button click.

function Child(props) {
  function clickHandler() { = "red";

  return <button onClick={clickHandler}>Click Me</button>;

You can see the working code in CodeSandbox.

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Joby Joseph
Web Architect