TypeScript Setup & Compilation

Last updated on 2 Feb, 2022

The goal of this article is to learn how to setup and compile a TypeScript program. We use tsc compiler command to perform the compilation. We also learn how to set the level of JavaScript that comes out of TypeScript compiler.

Project Setup

Create a folder anywhere to store the project files. I have created a folder named ts-intro. Inside the folder, create 3 files.

  1. package.json
  2. tsconfig.json
  3. src/index.ts


We need only one dependency for this project. That is typescript. So, here is how our package.json looks like.

  "name": "ts-intro",
  "devDependencies": {
    "typescript": "^4.5.5"
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "tsc --watch --preserveWatchOutput"

The dev command will run the TypeScript compiler(tsc) along with some options. --watch flag watches for any file change and does compilation again if there is any source file change. --preserveWatchOutput is to retain the console outputs even after re-compilation. Now, that is it about package.json file. Let us understand the second file, tsconfig.json.


When we run tsc command, if a tsconfig.json file is there, TypeScript will parse that file for options. The settings in the file is applied during TypeScript compilation. Here is our tsconfig.json file.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "dist",
    "target": "ES3"
  "include": ["src"]

We are passing 2 compiler options. outDir is for output directory. Here, we are telling TypeScript to store the output in dist directory. If we does not specify this option, TypeScript by default puts the output JavaScript file alongside the TypeScript files. Keeping a separate output directory makes development easier.

If we want the output JavaScript to support ES3 browsers(Eg: IE6), then we need to set the value of target to ES3. Note that, more backward compatibility means the generated JavaScript files will contain more code. So, we do not have to set this option to older versions unnecessarily.

By mentioning "src" in include array, we specify that all our TypeScript files will be in src folder. --watch flag will be watching for any file changes under the src folder.

We can pass all compiler options as command line flags. But as the project gets bigger, having a separate config file is easier to manage and version.


We are going to write our TypeScript code in this index.ts file. First, paste below code to index.ts file.

let a = 10;

What we are going to test is:

  • Will TypeScript converts this ES6 code with let keyword to an ES3 code?
  • Will TypeScript saves the output JavaScript code under /dist folder?

Before starting the execution, we need to install the packages. For that navigate to project folder in terminal and run:

npm install

Above command will install typescript dependency. Once installation is complete, run the dev script using:

npm run dev

I could see /dist folder getting created. Inside the dist folder, an index.js file is present with following code:

var a = 10;

As we can see, TypeScript converted the let keyword to var for ES3 compatibility. What if we update the target value in tsconfig.json to ES6? Then let keyword is kept as such in the output JavaScript file.

TypeScript Code

So far we tried only JavaScript code in index.ts file. Let us try a simple TypeScript code.

function add(a: number, b: number): number {
  return a + b;

Our aim is to restrict add() function to accept only numbers. After compilation the output JavaScript file contains following code:

function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

Wait! Where is the type check? I was expecting TypeScript to add type checking code like:

function add(a, b) {
  if (typeof a === "number" && typeof b === "number") return a + b;
  else return "error";

That will not happen. TypeScript is a static type checker. It does not do any code logic modification. Example, how can TypeScript decide what to do if an error occurs? Does it need to return a string with "error" or throw some exception. All these confusions will occur. So TypeScript will do only build time type check with the annotations given to it.

For example, in the above TypeScript code if we call the function with a string value like below, TypeScript can identify the error at build time itself.

function add(a: number, b: number): number {
  return a + b;

add("a", "b");

Now TypeScript will throw below error in terminal:

src/index.ts:5:5 - error TS2345: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.

5 add("a", "b");


We learned how to setup a simple project that can compile TypeScript files. We learned how to provide compiler options using tsconfig.json file. We understood how Static Type checking works in case of TypeScript. This article can be a starting point for further TypeScript experiments.

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Joby Joseph
Web Architect