Next.js Setup Without create-next-app

Last updated on 28 Aug, 2022

In order to setup Next.js, it is very easy to start with create-next-app. This command sets up everything in a folder which you mention. Now, if you are person who would like to do everything from bits and pieces, there is also a way for that.

Install Dependencies

At first, create a folder to hold our project. Eg: nextjs-from-scratch.

In the terminal, navigate to this newly created folder. Initialize the folder as an NPM package using:

npm init -y

Add react, react-dom and next dependencies using:

npm install --save react react-dom next

You can also use yarn or pnpm to install these packages.

Run Scripts

In the package.json file, add the following run scripts:

"scripts": {
  "dev": "next dev",
  "build": "next build",
  "start": "next start",
  "lint": "next lint"

next dev starts our application in development mode. It supports hot reloading.

next build takes a production build.

next start starts a production server. In this command, we will use the production build.

next lint runs Next.js built-in ESlint configuration.

Folder Structure

Create a folder called pages at the root level. In Next.js page urls are constructed based on the folder and file structure inside pages folder.

For example, /pages/about.js creates a path called /about.

Create a public folder in the root for storing static asset. If we have an image logo.png under public folder, we can refer to it in our page using /logo.png.

First Page

In order to see the home page, create an index.js file under pages folder.

The index file should export a React component. For that, add the following code in index.js file.

const Home = () => <h1>Home page -</h1>;

export default Home;

In order to test our application, run npm run dev in the terminal.

By default, the site will be running in localhost:3000 port. In my case, there was another app running in 3000 port. Therefore Next.js automatically tried in the next port number which is 3001.

Here is our home page:

Next home

When running Next.js in development mode, we also get following benefits:

  • Auto compilation and bundling
  • React fast refresh
  • Static generation and server side rendering of /pages
  • Static file serving through /public
  • hot reloading on file update
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Joby Joseph
Web Architect