Next.js Interview Questions - Link

Last updated on 22 Mar, 2021


What is Link component in Next.js? How is it used?


Link component is used to do client-side routing. In order to use Link component, first we need to import it from next/link.

import Link from "next/link";


<Link href="/">

href attribute accepts the path of the target page. If we need to do server side routing or link to external url, use html anchor(<a/>) tag.



In my pages folder, there is a file at products/[slug].jsx. It handles the product details page of my ecommerce website. How can we link to this dynamic page from category page?


In the Category page, lets assume we get the products list under the category from an API response. We can then loop through the response and dynamically create Link component.

foreach(product in products) {
  <Link href={"/product/" + product.slug}>


I am trying to link a custom React component(<MyButton>) to another page.

const MyButton = () => <button>My Button</button>;

function index() {
  return (
      <Link href="/about">
        <MyButton />

But on clicking the button, it is not navigating to /about page. Why?


If we are using Link component around custom React component, the navigation will not work. We can take 2 approach to make this working.

First approach is to wrap <MyButton/> inside anchor tag:

<Link href="/about">
    <MyButton />

Second approach is to wrap button tag inside anchor tag. In that case, we need to use passHref to pass the target link to React component. Here is the full updated code.

const MyButton = ({ href }) => (
  <a href={href}>
    <button>My Button</button>

function index() {
  return (
      <Link href="/about" passHref>
        <MyButton />
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Joby Joseph
Web Architect