JavaScript Invocation Context(this) Interview Questions

Last updated on 1 Apr, 2021


I have heard that in hoisting, the variable declaration is hoisted to top of the script or function. For example, I have a code snippet here:

var sport = "cricket";

After hoisting, I am assuming the code will be like this:

var sport;
sport = "cricket";

If this is how hoisting works, who is actually doing the hoisting and moving the declaration to line 1?


Actually, nobody is moving the variable declaration code literally to the top. It is a perception based on how the code works.

We know that JavaScript is an interpreted language. That means, each statement in the code is executed line by line. Before the execution, there is a parsing step. During this parsing step, the parser go through the full code and does few things like allocating memory for variables, define lexical scope and so on.

So in the original code with just 2 lines, when the parser sees var keyword next to sport in line 2, it allocates a memory location for sport and assign undefined value. Note that only allocation happens in parsing step, initialization will not happen.

After parsing, when the actual execution starts, the interpreter is trying to print the value of sport in the first line. The JavaScript engine checks if there is any memory allocated for sport. Yes, there is one allocated during parsing step. It prints the value at that moment which is undefined. Only when the interpreter jumps to second line, the value "cricket" is assigned to sport. This is how console.log is able to use the variable sport before it is declared in code.

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Joby Joseph
Web Architect