JavaScript Invocation Context(this) Interview Questions

Last updated on 15 Feb, 2021


What is the output of following code?

const numbers = {
  numberA: 5,
  numberB: 10,

  sum: function() {
    console.log(this === numbers);

    function calculate() {
      console.log(this === numbers);
      return this.numberA + this.numberB;

    return calculate();



Line 1 defines an object numbers. Line 17 invokes a method sum() of the object. We can see the dot(.) operator to call the sum() method. That tells that sum() is called in the context of the object numbers.

Once the execution enters into sum(), it reaches the first console.log statement(Line 6). There this points to the context numbers because as we said earlier, sum() is invoked in numbers context. So Line 6 outputs true.

In Line 8, there is a function definition for calculate(). And calculate is invoked in line 13. Even though calculate function is written inside sum(), according to JavaScript engine, it is simply a named function stored in memory. In Line 13, we call calculate() as a normal function. So calculate() is invoked in global context, ie window in non-strict mode.

When calling calculate() in line 13, execution reaches line 9. There this points to window. Therefore in line 9, console.log prints false, since window is not equal to numbers.

In line 10, since this points to window, window.numberA and window.numberB are undefined. So calculate() returns NaN because adding two undefined results in NaN. This NaN is then printed by line 17.

Finally in the console we see:

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Joby Joseph
Web Architect