How to Deploy Next.js Application in AWS?

Last updated on 17 Feb, 2023

To deploy a Next.js application on AWS, you can follow these general steps:

Build the Next.js application for production by running the command npm run build.

Set up an EC2 instance or Elastic Beanstalk environment to run your application. EC2 provides you with more control over your infrastructure, while Elastic Beanstalk offers a more managed solution with less configuration.

Install Node.js on your EC2 instance or Elastic Beanstalk environment.

Copy the Next.js application files to your EC2 instance or Elastic Beanstalk environment using a file transfer protocol (FTP) or a secure copy (SCP) tool.

Install the necessary dependencies for your Next.js application on the EC2 instance or Elastic Beanstalk environment by running the command npm install.

Configure your Next.js application to run as a service using a process manager like pm2.

Set up a reverse proxy like Nginx or Apache to route traffic from your EC2 instance or Elastic Beanstalk environment to your Next.js application.

Optionally, configure a domain name for your application using Amazon Route 53 or another DNS provider.

Once your application is up and running, you can use AWS Load Balancers to distribute traffic across multiple instances of your application, increase reliability, and scale as needed.

These are the general steps for deploying a Next.js application on AWS. The exact details will depend on your specific setup and requirements.

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Joby Joseph
Web Architect