Connect To Two Bitbucket Accounts From Mac Using SSH

Last updated on 30 Jun, 2022

I have two accounts in Bitbucket. One is my personal account which I registered using my personal email account. Other one is my official account registered using my office email. When I moved from HTTP to SSH in Bitbucket, I had to generate two separate SSH keys for both accounts.

So now I have two SSH keys in my laptop. When trying to push code to my personal account, how can Bitbucket know which SSH key to use? I faced this issue. My already working repo start yelling that I do not have access to the repo.

To teach Bitbucket which SSH key to use with which account, we need to do following steps.

First, create a file in ~/.ssh folder with name config. No extensions!. My SSH keys are stored in ~/.ssh folder.

Open config file in some editor and paste following content:

 #Personal account
     User git
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
     IdentitiesOnly yes

 #Official account
     User git
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ed25519_bitbucket_litmus7
     IdentitiesOnly yes

Replace jobyjoseph and jobylitmus7 with your Bitbucket user names. Then replace id_ed25519 and ed25519_bitbucket_litmus7 with the file names of your SSH files.

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Joby Joseph
Web Architect