useContext() React Hook Interview Questions

Last updated on 25 Aug, 2022


When should we use React Context instead of prop-drilling?

prop-drilling refers to the technique where we pass a value from one component to nested components through props.


If we have a value that could be accessed anywhere from the application, we can consider Context. Few examples that fit to this condition is:

  • Dark or light theme for a site
  • Global site level theme settings
  • User authentication status like is guest or is registered.

If the value shared by a component is specific to that component and its children, it is good to use prop-drilling. That improves code readability and the developer can easily identify from where this value is coming.



Here we have a set of 5 React components that is nested one inside other. Component A is passing a value to component E through prop-drilling.

const E = (props) => <h1>{props.fruit}</h1>;
const D = (props) => <E fruit={props.fruit} />;
const C = (props) => <D fruit={props.fruit} />;
const B = (props) => <C fruit={props.fruit} />;
const A = (props) => <B fruit={props.fruit} />;

<A fruit="Apple" />;

How can we rewrite the same code using useContext()?


import React, { useContext } from "react";

const FruitContext = React.createContext();

const E = (props) => {
  const fruit = useContext(FruitContext);
  return <h1>{fruit}</h1>;

const D = (props) => <E />;
const C = (props) => <D />;
const B = (props) => <C />;

const A = (props) => (
  <FruitContext.Provider value="Apple">
    <B />

export default A;
--- ○ ---
Joby Joseph
Web Architect