useContext() Hook in React

Last updated on 24 Aug, 2022

In React, data flows very explicitly from one component to another. If a parent component wants to pass a data to child, it can pass it through props. Another way to pass value to any nested components is by using context.

Passing Data Using Props

In order to fully understand the advantage of using useContext() hook, we need to first understand how we can pass a value from a component to another nested component which is N levels deep without useContext() hook.

Assume, we have got 5 nested components, <A/>, <B/>, <C/>, <D/> and <E/>. Component A needs to pass a value to E which is 5 levels deep. How can we do that?

Note: One component can pass a value to its immediate child through props.

So here, in order to pass the value from A to E we need to follow below steps:

A passes the value to B

B passes the value to C

C passes the value to D

Finally, D passes the value to E.

We implement above flow like this:

const E = (props) => <h1>{props.fruit}</h1>;
const D = (props) => <E fruit={props.fruit} />;
const C = (props) => <D fruit={props.fruit} />;
const B = (props) => <C fruit={props.fruit} />;
const A = (props) => <B fruit={props.fruit} />;

export default A;

If we render A using <A fruit="Apple" />, then component E displays "Apple" on browser.


We can see that, for A to pass one value to E everyone in between had to help. When the nesting levels are very large, then this approach turns out to be a big headache. Examples are passing site theme information, locale information or user loggedin status.

Inside React community, we call this approach of passing values through props as prop-drilling.

Prop drilling has another disadvantage. Take the case of a developer who is working on component B. He/she can see that the component accepts a prop called fruit. Then after searching for where the fruit is being used inside B, it is frustrating to know that this property is accepted only to pass it further to another child component.

Let us now see how useContext() makes this code prettier and more manageable.


Context API was available in React before hooks. We could implement Context API in class components before hooks came. Here in this article we are discussing how to implement Context API using useContext() hook.

Context is like a wormhole. We put something at one side of the hole and it comes out of the other side. In case of the example in previous section, we put "Apple" in component A and collect it at component E.

useContext() Implementation

First step is to take one wormhole tunnel(context object) from React. This is how we create a context in React:

const FruitContext = React.createContext();

So how A can provide a value? We wrap the component A with FruitContext.Provider and pass whatever value to pass through value property.

const A = (props) => (
  <FruitContext.Provider value={props.fruit}>
    <B />

As we can see B is not passing props any more.

We just completed the logic to provide the value from A. Now let us go to E and receive the value.

const E = (props) => {
  const fruit = useContext(FruitContext);
  return <h1>{fruit}</h1>;

Actually, component E is using useContext() hook. The purpose of this hook is to extract the value from a Context.

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Joby Joseph
Web Architect