Callbacks in JavaScript

Last updated on 24 Nov, 2019

Callbacks are functions that are passed as arguments to another functions. A function that receives a callback function as its argument is called Higher Order Function.

function callback(name) {
  console.log(`Hi, ${name}`);

function higherOrderFunction(nameArg, callbackArg) {

higherOrderFunction("Backbencher", callback); // "Hi, Backbencher"

In the above code snippet, higherOrderFunction is a Higher Order Function because it is expecting a function as its second argument. We then supplied a function callback to higherOrderFunction, which is later invoked.

We were using callbacks in lot of places without even knowing they were callbacks. Let us go through different code snippets where a callback function is involved.

The ES6 map() method of Array object requires a function as its argument. Here is an example.

[2, 4, 5, 7].map((item) => console.log(item));


We all are very fluent with this setTimeout() method. It is a function that takes a function as its first argument.

setTimeout(() => {
  console.log("I am ready");
}, 5000);

Above code prints "I am ready" in console after 5 seconds.

jQuery button click handler

We use .on() method to attach event handlers in jQuery. In order to attach a click event handler to a button with id myButton, here is the code in jQuery.

$("#myButton").on("click", function () {
  console.log("Button clicked");

Here also we are passing a function as second argument to .on() method. The second argument which is an anonymous function is also a callback function.

AJAX request In jQuery, we can use $.getJSON() to do an AJAX call for JSON request. An example code will be:

$.getJSON("ajax/test.json", function (data) {

Here the passed callback function receives response data in data variable.

If you observe the case of setTimeout(), button click handler or AJAX request, the passed callback functions are not immediately executed. In case of of setTimeout() it is executed only after 5 seconds. In case of click handler, the callback function is executed only when a user clicks on the button. Therefore we can say that callbacks help us to delay the execution of a function to a later point in time.

Callback Hell

How can callbacks create a hell like situation? Let us try to understand that. In the following code, we are waiting for the response of a login API.

function codeAfterAJAX() {
  console.log("Here I continue rest of the functionality");

  method: "POST",
  url: "api/login",
  data: { username: "John", password: "John123!" },

Here we make an AJAX call. If the AJAX response come successfully, we execute codeAfterAJAX to continue our logic. What if the jQuery AJAX function had some bug and calls the callback function twice? Or what if the callback is never called? Things might not end well.

So in case of callbacks, we are blindly trusting some code and ask that code to execute a callback when ready. There happens an inversion of control in this place. There can be some times when things wont work as expected and create a hell like situation.

Myth: Callback hell due to indentation

Many developers believe that callback hell is caused due to a series of nested callbacks.

setTimeout(() => {
  console.log("I am from first callback");
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log("I am from second callback");
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log("I am from third callback");
      setTimeout(() => {
        console.log("I am from fourth callback");
        setTimeout(() => {
          console.log("I am from fifth callback");
        }, 1000);
      }, 1000);
    }, 1000);
  }, 1000);
}, 1000);

We can observe a pyramid structure formed due to indentation. In a big program, this pyramid of nested callbacks affects the readability of code in a negative way. Even though it affects the readability, it does not create a hell like situation. There are various ways to avoid indentation of above program and make things better.

So we can conclude that callback hell is due to inversion of control in callbacks. The JavaScript community came up with a solution for inversion of control problem and that is Promises.

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Joby Joseph
Web Architect